STRAND-3 SEWA (Social Empowerment through work Education and Action)
This projects that are able to connect students to their surroundings.
SEWA is all about Social or community service it includes environmental, civic responsibilities and health and fitness related project. Chhattisgarh public school took the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and Swachh Vidhya lay ---- clean India Drive a step forward through plogging. Plogging is a combination of jogging combined with picking up litter.
Being safe and responsible: First Aid and Health Clubs
The basic objective of First Aid is: To give immediate Care, to protect, to relieve from pain, and recovery. So here is the project on First Aid COVID -19. Students of class 11th participated in an awareness for mental and physical health. Students make project on Covid- 19 and creating awareness amongst society and within school students itself.
Collecting and distributing used and unused books and clothes to the underprivileged.
Students of CPS come forward for the SEWA project (2021-22)
With the aim of community service and Help people. The activity was to collect and distribute used/ unused books, clothes, shoes, toys, stationery the underprivileged people and to foster in them a spirit of caring and sharing
Project on understanding water pollution and conservation and management.
Today water pollution Is the greatest problem which can easily cause harmful affect to entire ecosystem. So, this is the project on
Water pollution, conservation, management and water security. Water is precious resource and without it life is not possible on earth. This pollution causes many people to become ill and some even die. Also plants and animal’s life suffer and ecosystem deteriorate.
Online volunteering for counselling peers for raising awareness regarding career pathways.
Students attend online webinar the Topic was Importance of Future Skills. This gives a space in which to gain new skills, connect with new people, experience something different, and give back to the community. It can also enable students to explore their own passion.
POCSO is now advocating the use of psychotically assessment of children so school committee conducted a counselling secession for them. Counsellors are the bridge between the child and the criminals.